Wednesday, October 24, 2007


The bleeding has backed off into brown gunk. I know everyone was just waiting with bated breath, dying to find that out.

Here's the thing: backing off seems like a good thing.

Given the choice, I'd rather have it back off than become a full-on period.

But I am so superstitious I almost can't write it here. There is some part of my head that honestly believes -- fears -- that writing it down will jinx any good things that might be happening, and that now I will be bleeding like a stuck pig by noon. What it boils down to is this: I am my grandfather's granddaughter when it comes to superstition, and --

-- it's still too early to tell anything.


Ann said...

That's great news! As you well know, plenty of people experience some bleeding before getting a positive pregnancy test. I did. Here's hoping that gunk stays brown and then goes away!

JF said...

Just about the only thing the nurse would commit to on the phone was that if it was bleeding that came and went, I probably was not pregnant.

Still feel like I'm walking on eggshells, but I've had just brown gunky crinone stuff since Monday. I've been thinking of it as "Dark Matter."