Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A New Twist

Today's ultrasound went well, looked like there were at least 9 follicles in the 6-8 mm range. But there is a new wrinkle with the Gonal-F injections -- starting Friday we are to scale back slightly on the Gonal-F, and mix it with Luveris before injecting. I can't say I know the reason why, but I suspect JF will have thoroughly researched it on the web by this time tomorrow.

For all that I am still scared by the prospect of serious injections to come, I am kind of geekily excited by this. I think that's because it looks like giving the shot will be about the same difficulty level as a normal trigger shot, so not new and scary -- and there is the cool drug mixing stage with this. Okay, honestly, I don't know why that's cool, but it feels that way to me now. Guess that's better than panicking about it when the time comes.

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