Friday, June 15, 2007

Knock knock? Who's there? Impatient JF. Impatient JF wh--

A friend gave me an extra test.

It called to me. I resisted.

It called again. Again I resisted.

It called again.

A struggle ensued. I peed on it. I'm not sure who won. Here's what happened next:

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The oh-so-faint one is from yesterday, 11DPO; the darker one is from this morning. From what I can find on the web, the beta-hcg from the trigger shot should have left my system after 10 days.

I have to wait until Monday for a blood test, and then they will almost certainly want to check for doubling, so we won't know anything for certain for another week.

This is the earliest I've ever tested positive. The first time I got pregnant, the home test didn't go positive until CD36. The second time, a couple of months after that, I didn't test until I was almost 3 weeks past ovulation, and my first beta came back in the low 40s and didn't double.

This is just another kind of limbo. I guess in a way all of pregnancy is. Next week is so busy I'm sure it'll go quickly.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Oh my gosh, that's so exciting! Woo hoo! Double lines! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that you've got a nice, healthy beta...