Sunday, March 18, 2007

The power of a dream

Not much going on this week. We're in the first of three weeks of birth control, passing days until time comes for the shots. I'm not fond of the way the Pill makes me feel; I'm actually looking forward to the injections.

I dreamt Friday night that SF and I were adopting a baby from somewhere in Asia. We were completely unprepared for the adoption; it happened with no preparation and no notice. All of a sudden, we had a child but nothing ready to care for him. I raced around, carrying the baby (who, by the way, could talk) as I tried to gather what we would need to look after him. Despite the somewhat frantic preparations, I woke up calm and happy -- the dream imbued the day with a peaceful contentment I hadn't felt in a long time.

One way or another, things will be all right.

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