Thursday, November 8, 2007

The Met Reducing Plan

Turns out I was tracking my weight during the wrong part of the cycle. It didn't balloon upward until after the trigger shot -- when I gained five pounds overnight. That was three weeks ago.

In the past three weeks, I have lost ten pounds, putting me at my lowest weight since SF and I got married; this morning's measure was 3 pounds less than I weighed when we got back from our honeymoon. (Which, as a side note, took place in Northern Michigan in January during a cold snap and included a frightening quantity of Tater Tots. I was down a few pounds from pre-wedding stress, but it came back in spades on the honeymoon.) I have lost weight this week at the rate of nearly a pound a day.

I cut out pop about a month ago. That much sugar mixed with insulin resistance can't be a good thing. But I suspect a stronger culprit: the Metformin has been making me sick again. I don't feel like eating much, and when I do, it ... doesn't stay around long. Something to bring up with the doctor on Friday, I suppose, though I totally don't want him to take me off the drug. I will beg to stay on it, GI side effects and all. I just want to make sure it isn't going to kill me. He swears up and down that Met doesn't cause weight loss, but that equalization period as your body adjusts to its new state of affairs included, for me, dropping about 20 pounds -- plus a few more in the past couple of weeks. Now, if I can just get down about 20 more, I'll be back to what I weighed in grad school when I was subsisting on rice-a-roni and ramen.


Tina said...

Metformin was the worst drug anyone could of put me on. The bad s/e will go away with treatment. Watch carbs too, those don't help. Congrats on the weight loss though.

P.s. You've been tagged. Visit my blog to know the details...

JF said...

It's a funny drug ... it sounds like some people have it much worse with the s/e than I do. I find them weird but mostly bearable. I've been taking 2000 mg/day since April '06 -- totally nauseated for the first month and then pretty much fine after that. Every now and then, though, the s/e come back for a few weeks. I don't know why ... but the weight loss is nice!

(p.s. Tagged, eh? hmmm ... :) )