Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Responsibility and Bravery

In response to JF's last post -- I simply don't see the see the point in holding her responsible for something completely outside of her control. When she leaves the eggs out after cooking breakfast, I'm happy to blame her. When she gets her passport photo and then leaves the application sitting around for weeks rather than mailing it in, I will blame her. But when her body misbehaves, it is simply not her fault. (And that's presuming that it is her body that is responsible, at that -- we have corrected all the issues we know anything about, so at this point we simply don't know where the problem is coming from.)

Where her own behavior is at issue, she has been an incredible trooper in all of this. I can't imagine giving myself all those shots. All the pills, the probings, the bloat... she has put up with it all, and is staring in the face of worse yet to come and getting excited at the prospect of another chance! She is as brave as any person I have ever met.

She deserves great praise, not blame.

1 comment:

JF said...

In my defense ...

... it's a terrible passport photo.